Freelance Jobs

Sunday 16 September 2012

Electric Shocks

Girls are like electric current,
elecric shocks

If you handle with care, they will light up your life.

But if mishandled, get ready for the shocks.

Saturday 15 September 2012


Teacher: Make a sentence using “neither-nor”.
Naughty boy: When girls wear tight fitting dresses neither they are comfortable nor we are.

Friday 14 September 2012

Funny Qutations

scooby doo

If it is true we are here to help others,

Then, what exactly are the others here for?

Since light travels faster than sound,

People appear brighter until you hear them speak.

Every man should marry,

After all, happiness should be shared.

The wise never marry,

And when they marry they become otherwise.

There should be a better way to start a day,

Than waking up early in the morning.

Thursday 13 September 2012

Date Sheet


A date sheet is that sheet

Which makes the heart beat fast

It includes all the subjects

We have to prepare for the test

When students get it

Their hearts miss a beat

They lose all happiness

And can laugh no more

If one does not get through

He repeats the year

But don’t fret when you

Get this sheet

Remember where there’s a will

There is a way

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Cause of My Death


When I die, bury me deep

Four feet down, fast asleep

Place my Chemistry book on my head

Tell my teacher that I am dead

Place my English book on my chest

Tell my teacher that I am at rest

Place my Physics book in my right hand

Let my teacher know that I could never understand

Put my Math book on my left

Inform my teacher I did my best

And also tell my teachers not to cry For they are the ones who made me die

Tuesday 11 September 2012


Boy (on text): I love you.

Girl: haha

Boy: I will do anything for you.

Girl: hahahahaha

Boy: I won't live without you.

Girl: hahahahahahahahaha

Boy: I am going to send you $1000.

Girl: When???

Boy: hahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha

Monday 10 September 2012


When someone touches you and you don't feel it, it's ignorance.

When someone touches you and you feel it, it's love.

When nobody touches you and still you feel it,

Run away buddy it's a Ghost!!!